Friday, January 25, 2013


We Live in Public - Poster

To help prepare for our conversation on rhetorics involving privacy in WLIP, please draft a response to the following questions. Try to integrate concepts from the textbook, where and when you can, but don't avoid a more free-ranging initial bit of text.
  1. Do you think you would ever have participated in such an experiment? If so, could you have imagined the extremes the film reveals?
  2. Where in the film is privacy explicitly discussed?
  3. Who talks about privacy? Is this a person/persons in power? What kind?
  4. Whose privacy is at stake? How are this person/person empowered or disempowered?
  5. Can you relate to either of these people/groups (see #2 and #3)? How? Why?
  6. Many people have described Josh Harris as "prescient," as a man capable of foreseeing the future. In what way? What did he foresee? How accurate was his vision?
  7. How does Harris' status at the end of the film speak to the matter of privacy as it's explored in the film?
  8. Find out (by whatever means) what Harris is up to now. The film, out in 2009, provides only that very dated information. What else can we learn? 
  9. Does your discovery regarding Harris change your thinking about his "work"?
  10. What kinds of cultural work does WLIP do? That is, does is function as a "cautionary tale"? Or, is it more a straight documentary, director Ondi Timoner having found herself in a unique situation that she herself was later uniquely capable of sharing? (I have a short interview I taped with Ondi about 2 years ago -- we'll see some possible "answers" there. For now, speculate). 
  11. What else does the film do? What other public rhetorics does it activate, tap, or alter? How?

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