Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Onion's (PM) take (PR) on Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster Inspires Teens To Come Out Using Vague, Rambling Riddles 

Please note: This is not the clip to which you are responding (re: the assignment I reviewed in class). See the previous post for that clip. This is simply a clip passed along by a colleague/friend on Facebook. 

Of course, there is a lot to think about when we look at how public rhetorics converge around a popular media event. The Onion is great, so let's not even go there. No, really, parody and satire are often terrifically effective rhetorical moves to make in light of serious matters. But is there some potentially damaging overspill? Regarding this Onion piece ... do you think it pushes too far, diminishes the serious response to Foster's speech? If so, why do the writers believe it's going to work? What, in other words, were they thinking?

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